Saturday, March 14, 2009

Paintball Communication - How to properly communicate on the paintball field

Communication in paintball is one of the hardest things that you will have to learn in the game and to get right. Knowing how to communicate properly and affectively is vital to being successful in any type of paintball game. Anytime you can communicate information on kill counts, teammates lost, or where players are at, etc. across the field, the better your team’s chances of winning! While it is very hard to practice and drill specifically for just communication, there are several areas that can be focused on. The first thing to take into mind is, communication is a two way process. Meaning you are communicating information to a teammate and then receiving information back and interpreting it to yourself. As a tournament player you have to be able to effectively communicate information on the field but be willing and receptive to listen for communication coming from others. Too many players fall into what we call “Tunnel Vision” and let what is going on in the game and their individual situation on the field, consume them from communicating and responding to information. This style of play and lack of communication will almost always result in poor results for the team as a whole. You have to be aware of what is going on around you at all times and constantly thinking and managing instinct.
While communication should come from all players on the field, it is primarily the back players and back center players’ jobs to relay information from the left and right sides of the field! This is primarily due to their position in the back center of the field. Their position further back on the field, offers an easier way to see the whole field and relay information throughout the rest of the team. I have found that the best way to communicate with another member on the field is to call out that players name first, so it directly refers to who you are trying to communicate with. This is very important because just like in the real world, people usually pay attention and respond when their name is called out! Once this is done you then need to make sure they acknowledge you, and then relay them across the information until you know they understand. Once you establish this communication line with your teammate, you will know that they understand the information with some simple head nods or verbal recognition. A key point to practice when doing this is to not let your goal of communicating when playing, take you out of the game, off an opponent, or out of your teams game plan! You want to multitask and focus on the game at hand but still relay the proper information to your teammates without stopping what you are doing. Depending on the situation, you always want to do this because if you don’t it might allow the opponent to move and make advancement that you might not see on your side of the field, which could be disastrous. Additionally head nods are great when a teammate is so far up the field and does not want to yell and give away his position. Since most beginner players do usually take their selves out of the game when communicating, it is almost always a good opportunity to go crush an opponent when he does so. Most players will either stop shooting, turn backwards, let their gun down, etc, when doing this.

3 Proper Steps to Accurately Communicating - coming next week stay tuned

Article by Gant MacLellan

Paintball Atlanta Clinic Review Saturday March, 7

Gant MacLellan and Dirty Dave Pastore hosted a paintball clinic at Atlanta's hottest paintball field Paintball Atlanta on Saturday March, 7. Ran by a great group of people including Mel, Jay Green, Tito and the rest of the staff. They offer an assorment of fields including hyperball, huge mounds fields, lego type structures, castles, woods and more.

Overall we had a great group of players that attended the paintball clinic. As the weather shifts to spring we look forward to hosting our next paintball clinic at Paintball Atlanta.